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7 Blocks To Creative Thinking And How To Solve Them We're all skilled at creative thinking. It is, after all, the predominant way we think as children. The reason we lose the skill as we grow up i...
7 Tips to Make You More Creative Follow these tips to be more creative. Use your improved creativity to develop and donate ideas to help others. Many great things have started as an simple, creat...
10 Steps To Clear Thinking Try some of these ten ways to clearer thinking. Make one or two of them  a habit, and you'll have more brainpower permanently. Does your mind sometimes feel like a...
Achieving Success And Progress Through Creative Thinking Many people believe that the goal of any society is progress, however for most of us it is not easy to get used to something new. It takes ...
Being First, Being Original, Being Innovative There is an often missed distinction between Being the First, Being Original, and Being Innovative. To determine that someone (or something) has been...
We are constantly imitating others. When we copy other people, we can't reproduce their charisma, talent or success. Externally, we can imitate their life, their way of dressing and drive the same ...
Transformational Counseling is about assisting another to transform his life.  Transforming ones life is not about changing it.  While life is much about doing differently, the genesis of...
In this day and age, it's simply not enough to call on someone and make a presentation. If you don't follow up at least 7 times, you are wasting your time, as well as theirs. The more time you put ...
Adult ADHD: Are You An Idea Machine? Chances are, if you have Adult ADHD, you're an "idea machine"--you come up with great new ideas all the time, maybe several in a day!  Problem is, the id...